Calender Germar's Monthly Updater

January 2001: Big Bear, La Jolla, and Oceanside

My trip to Big Bear in January was the second visit to this ski resort, located east of Los Angeles. I stayed for two nights in the "Black Forest Lodge". There were flowers everywhere. On the wall paper, on the sheets, and even on the shower curtain. Americans seem to like German kitsch. Skiing was great though, with the runs perfectly groomed.

It was a holiday weekend after substantial snowfall had occurred. The resort was sold out, and bursting with people. Below is a glimpse of the lift line. I guess that some skiers were waiting for 20 minutes to catch another ride. Luckily, the steepest lift had no waiting time at all, and I just kept going up and down for six hours.

Unfortunately, I have overlooked a stone, which completely destroyed my ski. I guess I have to get a new one :-(

On another weekend in January, I decided walking around in La Jolla. The waves were great, and I was watching the surfers for an hour. They are so plentiful that there are warning signs on the streets, just like signs warning of cattle in Bavaria.

This picture was shot next to the palm-frond-thatched beach hut, the landmark of the famous Windansea Beach with one the most demanding conditions in San Diego.

Mastering the waves of Windansea.

Not only humans surf the sea, also Pelicans do. They often fly less than 1-2 feet above the waves. It is a most majestic sight watching them gliding effortless and looking for fish.

That's a sea gull. Nothing special, but yet I liked the photo as the bird appears to be absorbed in thought.

There is a nice walkway on the bluff, separating La Jolla from the ocean. It's one of the reasons why La Jolla is known to many as "Jewel by the Sea".

One well-known sight of La Jolla are the seals at Children's Pool. Usually dozens of these mammals are lying on a small beach, which was originally a designated place for kids, protected by a wall from the surf. Well, also seals appreciate the protection and have completely taken over the beach. There are laws protecting the seals, and it is now even a federal offense to come too close. Not all people are happy that animals, which are not endangered, have a higher priority than children. The local newspaper is full of contributions of lobbyists of either side. I don't want to comment but I have to acknowledge that the pro-seal group has a neat website, featuring live pictures from the beach, which are updated every second.

The day was great, and so was the sunset:

On the next day, I drove up the coast through Del Mar, Carlsbad, and Oceanside. The surf was up and people were enjoying just another gorgeous day in California. Below is the Oceanside Pier, a popular place for fishing.

I mentioned in my last Updater that there are regulations posted everywhere in a ski resort. Well, there are even more signs cluttering the beaches. Below is just a small selection. Enjoying the sunset with a can of beer - forbidden. Sleeping at the beach - forbidden. Playing with your dog - forbidden. Dogs are even not allowed when they are leashed. Someone dared to circumvent this law when I was on the Oceanside Pier. Seconds later he was reminded by loudspeaker of his violation. Welcome to the free world!

Click on thumbnails for enlargement!

The day ended with a gorgeous sunset. Below is the view from my balcony shortly after the day had vanished.

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