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Calender Germar's Monthly Updater

January 2006: Antarctica and New Zealand
Part 1: South Pole

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Traveling to the South Pole involves a long flight to New Zealand, followed by a five hour flight to McMurdo and a three hour flight to the final destination. Despite long hours of work, I found some time to look around, meet old friends, talk to scientists of other projects, and enjoy the atmosphere of a very special place.

Hero Shots

Me at the Pole

Polar Scenery

Polar Reflection



South Pole Markers
The South Pole is covered by a 2830-meter-thick glacier, which moves over the bedrock at a speed of about 10 meters per year. Every year on January 1, the exact position of the South Pole is accurately determined by the U.S. Geological Survey and a rod with a new marker is placed at the Pole's location. Below are pictures of the markers of the years 2004 - 2006. Markers from the years 2000 - 2002 are here.







Austral Impressions



Room with a View

My Workplace

Continue to:
     Part 2: McMurdo >  

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Last updated: 23 January 2016